martes, 16 de octubre de 2018


Nuestra auxiliar de conversación Neve Macrae, quiere que la conozcáis un poco más. Para ello, ha escrito esta entrada en el blog:

Hello everyone!                                                                                                          October 14, 2018

My name is Neve MacRae and I am an English language assistant working at IES Nuestra Señora de la Estrella for this academic school year. I moved to Spain from Canada on September 18, 2018. I have never moved to another country before, so this is the first big adventure that I have undertaken. There is a strong sense of community in Villa del Río and I hope to integrate well into the pueblo lifestyle.

            I am Canadian and have studied languages my whole life. English is my first language, but I started learning French in elementary school and started learning Spanish in grade 10. This past summer, I graduated with a major in Spanish and a minor in French from Dalhousie University. 

            At an early age I was fascinated with language and its ability to connect people from around the world. Not only did I learn this from school, but also from volunteering. I volunteered as an English tutor in high school and in this role, I was able to help students succeed. I felt fulfilled knowing that I was able to help people based on first-hand experience with language.

Already I see the students working hard in their classes. The perseverance shown by the students is something that I apply in my daily life while speaking. It has only been a month, but I know that this is going to be one of the most rewarding experiences in my life. I am so excited to be at IES Nuestra Señora de la Estrella. The students and faculty already have made me feel so welcome and I am beyond grateful. Day by day I see faces that I recognize, and it makes me feel at home.

            Thank you for welcoming me into your school and into your community. I know it will be an exciting year full of rewarding experiences for all. Please if you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask me.


lunes, 1 de octubre de 2018


El alumnado de 1º ESO del IES Ntra. Sra. de la Estrella con motivo de su inmersión del inglés a través del programa Bilingüe participará a lo largo del curso 2018-2019 en un proyecto E-twinning con otros alumnos/as de Europa. El proyecto se llama "Teens beyond Borders". Los integrantes de este proyecto Europeo son Italia, Grecia, Rumanía, Francia y España.
Con la idea de motivar a nuestro alumnado a aprender la lengua extranjera. Nos hemos unido a este proyecto donde a lo largo del año los alumnos/as conocerán e intercambiarán información relacionada con sus países . Todo ello con el uso de las nuevas tecnologías (padlets, videoconferencias, power points..) Además de fomentar el respeto por otras culturas de la Unión Europea.
Esperemos que nuestro alumnado se divierta en este proyecto, aprenda y practique cada vez más en inglés y se de cuenta del verdadero motivo de aprender una nuevo idioma. La relación con otros adolescentes de otros países a través de la comunicación y el respeto socio-cultural entre todos.